Tean Ean Local Products (M) Sdn Bhd
90, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 10050 Penang, Malaysia.
Mosquito Repellant Citronella Oil/ Minyak Serai (Spray)
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Citronella Products
- anti-inflammatory action
- Tean Ean Penang Local Products 田園槟城土产 Pulau Pinang
- natural insect repellent 天然草本成份
- insect bites 蚊虫叮咬 Gigitan serangga
- Mosquito Repellant Citronella Oil 香茅驱蚊防蚊油喷雾 Minyak Serai Spray
Citronella oil is a natural insect repellent and also can be used for its anti-inflammatory action to soothe any insect bites. 🦟️Carrying a spray bottle of citronella oil can help to prevent mosquitoes safely and effectively It is an essential oil for outdoors The design of the spray head allows the citronella oil to be evenly sprayed on the skin or clothing, ️ effectively preventing mosquitoes for several hours.
Minyak Serai dipercayai sebagai Penghalau nyamuk dan serangga paling efektif terutama bagi melindungi diri dan ahli keluarga dari gigitan nyamuk Aedes. Dengan peningkatan tren kes Denggi yang masih berlaku ketika ini, aktiviti pencegahan dan kawalan nyamuk Aedes amatlah penting.Minyak Serai juga amat bermanfaat untuk menenangkan minda dan mewangikan suasana bilik.